iScout FMM 2016

Read Save Files

Read only your FMM save files just like you can on the FMM Save Editor for the PC. iScout doesn't write any information.

View Players

Every single active player within the save file is displayed in an easy to read list, along with some basic but critical information.


PRO version has over 10 different fitler combinations allowing you to search for your kind of player. Anything from age, right down to playing position. The LITE version only allows users to filter by player name.


PRO version only allows you to sort your list, or even sort your filtered list giving you the greater control of finding them hidden gems!

Create Shortlists

PRO version only - Found a hidden gem? Filtered down to some players you like? Add them to a shortlist and export it out directly letting FMH 2014 to read it in!

Player Stats & Hidden Attributes

PRO version only - Full insight into each player, click on the name and view all attributes†, values, positions, hidden abilities etc etc

Loads FMM16 Saves
Single Filter
Full 10+ Filters
Player Sorting
Basic Player Information
Full Player Information
Custom Shortlist
Shortlist Filtered List
Hidden Attributes
Staff List
Full Staff Information
Get LITE! Get PRO!